MCIS Friday’s Men’s Support Group
A safe space for men to talk, learn, and grow together!
MCIS Friday’s is a group focused on supporting men in our community. Every Friday, we come together to talk, reflect, and better understand ourselves and our behaviour—no judgment, just support. This is your space to be real, to learn, and to grow. Join us every Friday, just as you are.
What we offer:
- Self-care
- Conflict resolution
- Group discussion
- Coping strategies
- Meditation
- Communication techniques
- Understanding anger
- Trauma
- Depression & anxiety
- Addiction
- Working with stress
- Emotional wellbeing
- Your suggestions
- Guest speakers
Who can join?
Any man (17+) who wants to learn more about themselves or just needs a place to talk.
Date: Every Friday, starting 14th March
Location: Men’s Community Intervention Service (MCIS), 98a Chapman Rd, (next to Cut Throat Joe’s)
Time: 9am -10:30am
Cost: FREE!
We accept referrals from Police, Department of Justice, Department of Child Protection and Family Services and other local community services. Men can also self-refer.
Download the referral form here
More information:
For more information or to express your interest contact the Men’s Community Intervention Service on (08) 9937 9188 or 0499 348 006 (Monday to Friday) or email mcis@desertblueconnect.org.au