Dr Lorel Mayberry, Sexologist will be in Geraldton on 9th August 2018 facilitating an education session for parents and caregivers.  The session is for those who would like to increase their confidence and skills to talk to children and young people about pornography and/or have concerns about children’s access to pornography.

The session covers topics including the impact of young peoples’ expectations of sex and sexuality, effects of exposure, responding to online pornography and other risks, and how to talk with children.

“Parents are the most important educators of their children,” said Dr Mayberry. “The more comfortable parents feel about talking about sexuality, the more likely it is that their children talk with them.”

“Talking with your children about pornography is essential. Research tells us that even young children are accessing porn and quite often this is by accident. Porn gives young minds false messages about healthy sexuality. It is often sexist and disrespectful towards women.”

“Parents may think that their children will not listen to them. With a positive approach, parents can have a strong influence on attitudes towards relationships and sexuality,” Dr. Mayberry said.

The session for parents & caregivers: Online pornography, effects on children and young people will be held on 9th August 2018, 7pm to 9pm at the Desert Blue Connect Studio, 28 Durlacher Street, Geraldton.  Tickets are $25 and are available at Desert Blue Connect reception or on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/online-pornography-effects-on-children-and-young-people-tickets-46969259319

Dr Lorel Mayberry will also facilitate a professional development session:  Understanding sexuality and relationship education on Friday 10th August 2018 from 9:30am to 12:00 noon at the Desert Blue Connect Studio.  This session is aimed at teachers and school staff, counsellors, psychologists, social workers, and others with an interest in sexuality and relationship education.  It will explore topics including sexual development (preschool to adolescence), how to talk to children and young people about keeping safe, gender and sexuality, and promoting healthy relationships.  Cost is $25 which includes morning tea, tickets either at Desert Blue Connect reception or on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/understanding-sexuality-and-relationship-education-tickets-46926612762

Dr Lorel Mayberry has worked as a sexologist for three decades and lectures in sexology at Curtin University.  She works as a consultant in sexuality education specializing in teaching of the controversial issues in health education.  She does many workshops with parents and teachers including workshops with the school curriculum materials – ‘Growing and developing healthy relationships’.

Desert Blue Connect provide a range of free or low cost services that include women’s health, rural support services, men’s services, family violence response, primary prevention and crisis accommodation for women and children.

Desert Blue Connect also offer specialist education in sexuality and relationship, respectful relationship and child protection and abuse prevention.  This is offered to professionals, individuals, community organisations and schools and is customised to meet the specific needs whilst using a whole of community approach.  Please contact Desert Blue Connect for further information on 9964 2742 or email info@desertblueconnect.org.au







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