Aug 22

Desert Blue Connect will be running baby massage during Term 3.  Come on down and enjoy the benefits of gentle touch for your and bub!

Benefits of baby massage:-

  • Promotes better sleep for baby
  • May help to stimulate the circulatory and digestive systems
  • Baby massage promotes bonding through lots of healthy skin to skin contact
  • Great opportunity to meet other mums and make some new friends

Facilitated by International Association Infant Massage Instructor Cath Dalle

A limit of 10 mums/carers and bubs

Six sessions commencing on Thursday 22nd August, 9:30 to 10:30am in the Desert Blue Connect Studio, 28 Durlacher Street, Geraldton (please enter in side door).

$30 for all six sessions, payment required to reserve a spot – or 9964 2742

See All: Events, Past Events